Six years ago, a blood-soaked, low-budget, independent film called Dark Hearts, directed by Rudolf Buitendach and written and produced by Christian Piers Betley,
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The Shepherd won three awards Spanish language films have dominated this year’s Raindance Film Festival awards, with The Shepherd taking three prizes –
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Film festivals often have a family feel, with the same directors returning again and again. Ken Loach, Joel Coen and Mike Leigh are among many Cannes regulars and Britain’s biggest independent film festival, Raindance, is no different. What’s Worth Seeing meets three directors who’ve returned to Raindance.
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In 1996, British writer Christian Piers Betley wrote a vampire film called Rampage. L-R: Star Kyle Schmid, executive producer Jack Bowyer, director Rudolf
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It might have been one of the wettest Cannes Film Festivals in living memory, but from from the point of view of the industry, it had to be good news – those spare moments that critics and buyers alike might have spent relaxing on the beach would instead have been spent in the many cinemas and screening rooms
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